by GS Mold Solution | Oct 28, 2022 | Mold removal, to clean mold
In this article today, we will see what mildew is because it is one of the variants of mold. This mold makes its appearance in damp places on any surface in our family environment or in our workplace. Mildew is scientifically known as oomycete, and there are more than...
by GS Mold Solution | Oct 13, 2022 | Black Mold, Mildew, Mold, Mold removal, to clean mold
We are going to discover now, the difference between Mold and Mildew, and it is that it really is not a very big difference as such, since both words, translated into any language, mean the same thing. Both, mold and mildew, translated into Spanish, mean mold, only...
by GS Mold Solution | Oct 3, 2022 | Mold, Mold removal, to clean mold, toxic mold
Now we will learn what a mold test is, since it is carried out to confirm that there is mold on any surface where the test is applied, or the opposite, the non-existence. People who have a mold test done will know for sure if they are being invaded by some kind of...
by GS Mold Solution | Sep 22, 2022 | Black Mold, fungus, Mold removal, to clean mold, toxic mold, White Mold
Now we will see what white mold is and other very important aspects, its characteristics and how to attack it. In this way, we can avoid the consequences that their presence in the environment in which we operate on a day-to-day basis can cause us. Also, white mold,...
by GS Mold Solution | Sep 12, 2022 | Mold removal, to clean mold
Today we are going to learn how to clean mold in the most efficient way. The first step is recognizing the presence of mold. If the conditions are right, mold may grow on the walls, floors, or ceiling, leaving a noticeable, unappealing trace. In addition, it comes...
by GS Mold Solution | Sep 1, 2022 | Mold removal
After learning, what mold is, we can take the necessary measures to combat it. This is a type of fungus that appears in many homes mainly due to humidity. When a there’s an area in your home or workplace with humidity problems. It must be combated right away, in order...